This disease is a syndrome that with the time is spoiling the mental agility of a human being.
Kids with autism had difficulties to talk with other people, it’s very hard to them to express their feelings with words, they usually keep what they feel and think for them selves, many can’t communicate at all without any help.
They react in an unusual way in front of things that happens every day on a kids normal life, for example sounds that for other kids are normal, for them are really annoying with autism, this can bother them so much even to get to the point of cover their ears.
This kids have problems often with the words meanings, thay have trouble linking words with they meanings, that’s why they have problems to understand other people. It is doubly frustrating then if a kid can't come up with the right words to express his or her own thoughts.
This illness cause kids to act in an unusuall ways, Repeat the same words over and over again, play only with one particular toy many time, because most kids with autism don’t like the changes on their rutines, so that’s why they repeat the same anctions many times, and they get use to some things that later they would not left.

Autism is a physical condition linked to abnormal biology and chemistry in the brain, whose exact causes are unknown, but this is a very active area of research. Probably a combination of factors that lead to autism.
Genetic factors appear to be important. For example, it is much more likely that identical twins both have autism in twins compared with twins or siblings. Similarly, language abnormalities are more common in relatives of autistic children and also the chromosomal abnormalities and other nervous system problems are more common in families with autism.
Some doctors believe the increased incidence of autism is due to new definitions of the disease. The term "autism" now includes a broader spectrum of children. For example, a child who is diagnosed with high-functioning autism today may have been thought to simply be odd or strange 30 years ago
U.S. scientists used sophisticated scans to examine the connections in the cerebral cortex, part departs of the cerebral cortex, the cells are too many connections. However, in other parts not sufficient.
voted to coordinating complex thoughts.
They found evidence of abnormalities in the connections of the brain cells of people with autism.
famous people with autism
•Christopher Knowles, American poet
•Jasmine O'Neill, author of Through the Eyes of Aliens
Treatments with better results is the behavior modification is the most widely accepted because it has the ability to maintain control and ensure the child instructional focus.
Yet it is important to mention that there is evidence that progress is best achieved with a mixture or variety of treatments, some of them aimed at developing specific areas.
Tomatis and Berard Method: These methods are based on the auditory training of children with autism and thus open up channels in your brain. This therapy is suggested when the child shows excessive sensitivity to noise.
Musical Therapy: This method looks for a relationship with the child through music and rhythm. In some children has been successful
Gluten Free Diet and Casein: This treatment refers to the restriction of foods with these compounds, which are mainly found in wheat flour and dairy products. In some cases the results are favorable, it is a good choice because they have no side effects etc. ..
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